الاثنين، 23 يوليو 2012

‏Photo: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه رسالة أرسلها لى اليوم صديقى الكندى الذى أسلم حديثا بعد رحلة طويلة من الكفر الى نور الإسلام , وهو متقاعد الآن وقد كان سائق حافلة داخل المدينة, لندن-أونتاريو-كندا, وكنت أستقل حافلته إلى المستشفى الجامعى وكان يستغل كل لحظة يصعد فيها الطلبة المسلمون من مختلف الجنسيات بالإستفسار عن الإسلام بكل التفاصيل ولايمل ولايكل صيفا ولاشتاءا ويتحدث بصوت عال فى الحافلة ويعبر عن حبه للنبى صلى الله عليه وسلم قبل أن يسلم بسنوات ويقرأ كثيرا من القرآن وكان يبهرنى بأسئلته وتعمقه وهو الرجل الذى تجاوز الستين وعنده درجة علمية فى الفلسفة ومعروف أن أهل الفلسفة يصعب اقناعهم ويستخدمون لغة انجليزية عميقة ولكن فتح الله عز وجل قلبه للهدى فأحب الإسلام بعمق وأذكر يوما أنى عرضت عليه مرافقتى للمسجد فى صلاة العصر قبل أن يسلم بسنوات ودخلنا المسجد فأذنت وطلبت أن يقف معنا فى الصف ويشاركنا  ولاحظت على وجهه سعادة غريبة وهو كافر ثم بعد أن خرجنا أخذ يسألنى ماذا كنت أقول عندما أذنت , فشرحت له فأخذ يلح على ونحن فى السيارة أن أأذن من جديد فقلت لماذا فأصر اصرارا عجيبا وفتح النوافذ وأخذ يصيح ويقول أريد كل العالم أن يسمع صوت الآذان إنه أجمل أغنية وأجمل كلمات وقال لى لاتستحى وأذن بصوت عال ليسمع العالم, فاندهشدت وتعجبت ورجوت الله أن يسلم فهو عنده طاقة شاب وأحسست أنه يملك عزيمة أكثر منى ومن كثير من الشباب, ثم هداه الله للإسلام واليوم أحببت أن أشارككم رسالته التى يعبر فيها عن حبه للإسلام ويعرض جوانب ذلك لعل الله أن يفيد بها غيره وأخذت الإذن منه بنشرها

أخوكم عبدالسلام مصطفى التريكى

Dear brother Abdusalam

My brother whose sweetness I taste and remember your father so well.
The honey of fellowship with my Libyan brothers I thank Allah for a brotherhood so global!

Islam of Creation

The path of life, like the rings of a tree gives each branch of thought an outreach to the leaves or wave of fellowship.
A brotherhood, a man, a word, a linguistic intuition gravitating towards the Arabic route to Islam, has afforded me a natural link within the three Abrahamic faiths.
The word Islam connects each organism, every aspect within creation back to it's root and the root canal ultimately becomes embodied as one entity, entitled, or collectively speaking, an entitlement to will and thought, given back to the source of creation.
Historically, the three Abrahamic faiths imbue the same flask, yet chronologically Islam represents the outer bark, a more recent time frame.
The exercise of the three links give testimony it's reciprocal.
Prophets have come and gone. They have been the recipient and reciprocity has it's divine interaction.To remember now is to give thanks to the God of creation and to acknowledge the will of Allah and the service of all the prophets with the peace and blessings from Allah for the sake of humanity let alone humanity within creation as all creation submits to the will of Allah!  What a prelude to prayer!
Islam holds a divine key and unlocks the mind to comprehension.
Islam to me is a root word .The syntax of the word is not understood as the word implies.
My understanding of the word does not go beyond the five letters.The word Islam is misrepresented by media and other faith beliefs.
To share the beauty of the word is very profound when all creation is taken into account and to magnify the name of the Lord forever magnifies our will to the will of Allah in such a personal way!

Islam is unique for it covets a union within creation to allow humanity the opportunity to share diversity and cultural uniqueness.
Different languages, religions, ethnicity allows the diversity to co-relate and homogenize and harmonize to one accord as the one accord of creation in turn can worship the God of creation, as one and only one God without partners or accord with anything or any one entity within creation.
The concept of Tawheed is very profound and the provision of forgiveness for sin within Islam stands perfect in logic without intersecting lines within creation to equate a theological equation for the forgiveness of sins.
Amazing, Jesus is allowed to worship God as did all the prophets recorded in time and place ( peace be upon all the prophets )
Yes, Islam is the model for all creation and to be Muslim first is to seek the will of Allah as
Allah wills within creation that are innate in character.
Islam involves the whole person undivided within creation to comprehend an undivided creator.

Brotherhood is more than just a relative or fellow worshiper. To be a sister or brother evolves a Muslim symmetry. Perhaps a little allegorical summary to close.
Islam reminds me of waves coming to shore and without asking, the constant waves of the mercy of Allah reaches the imprint of humanity. My feet are wet with the mercy and grace of Allah!
A sense of wrongdoing and doing what is right sends the mercy seat of Allah.
The white cap of each wave comes in haste towards shore and salvation is filtered with forgiveness upon every wave.
The crest of each wave is worn as a sign. The Hijab is the white cap of every wave.
The tide rises to the occasion and the time of day would echo prayer to receive the love and mercy and oft- forgiveness of Allah.
Reflection gives refraction and repeats a wave-length constantly.
The sand moves around my feet and a voice speaks within.
The voice says: pick up the grains of sand and stand as grout across the land, between the tiles of humanity.
The grout between the tiles of humanity should be the speck within the pearl of divinity.
Islam is truly an awareness of behavior. A behavior to walk on the sand so that sand would fill the grout between the feet of humanity.
Would the will of Allah be exercised when the waves remove the lines of indifference?
The wave of forgiveness just removed the line in the sand and left a pearl as a sign.

Brothers and sisters with beards and Hijabs are the waves and pearls of ocean deep who exercise within the waves of time and prayer and given space.
Islam is the photosynthesis that flows just like the Hijab that sets the leaf- like sail and rides the wind on the glory of grace.
The will of Allah is seen.
The waves and the leaves are in time with their Islam.
I have seen and tasted the fellowship of brothers and sisters.
I look and the leaves on trees hold steadfast their submission to the will of Allah and Allah holds fast the mercy seat of each tribe, each branch of humanity.
The waves on the shoreline continue to remove the lines of separation when grains of sand work across the land as one accord and stand as grout, pearls of wisdom, giving all glory and praise to Allah.
What a privilege to acknowledge our creator

Written by  :
Anthony Mazereeuw

 Your brother

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